Services at Wanshika Healthcare caters to skin, hair, nail and mucosal
problems. Apart from diagnosing skin diseases and any associated internal
problems for which appropriate treatment is suggested, we also emphasize on
patient education regarding basic skin care to prevent unnecessary damage to
the skin due to the external environment. Dermatology services include the
following: Skin Surgery To Remove Growths Or Biopsies To Aid In Diagnosis,
Removal of Skin Growths And Blemishes By Simple Safe Procedures, Cosmetic
Procedures To Maintain And Improve The Appearance Of Skin Damaged By The Sun,
Disease Or Natural Aging Process. Cosmetic Dermatology: Cosmetic Dermatology is
fast becoming an integral part of the management of clinical dermatology. In
addition to chemical peels to treat facial hyper pigmentation and age spots, we
offer microdermabrasion to treat the aftermath of acne and chickenpox, with
excellent results. We also offer electro-epilation & laser for permanent
reduction of unwanted hair.