Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is a field of medicine which provides treatment for general illness and preventive care for adults.

We treat common viral febrile illnesses like dengue, chikungunya, chickenpox, influenza, etc., malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, liver abscess, urinary tract infections, etc.

We also specialize in providing treatment for non-communicable chronic diseases like Diabetes, HTN, COPD, Bronchial Asthma, migraine, stroke, myocardial infarction, chronic kidney disease, arthritis, etc.

At Wanshika medicare hospital, we provide comprehensive care including emergency and critical care to its patients with multiple organ systems involvement.

Is the Internal Medicine physician and Family Physician the same?

In most cases, they are considered as same. But family physician takes care of both adults and children.