Interventional Radiology

Department of Interventional Radiology of Wanshika Medicare offers minimally invasive vascular and non- vascular interventional procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Facilities at Wanshika includes :
Following procedures performed in the dedicated
intervention Cath Lab suite-
1. Vascular Procedures
· Diagnostic whole body angiography including 4 vessel cerebral DSA
· Aneurysmal coiling
· Embolisation (blocking any bleeders)
· BAE (Bronchial Artery Embolization for hemoptysis
· Angioplasty/Stenting/Stent Graft (Peripherals, Aortic, Carotid & Renal)

· Sclerotherapy for Hemangiomas / Venous

· Endovenous lesser treatment (EVLT) for varicose veins (which is minimally invasive and done under local anesthesia.)
· Diagnostic venograms + venoplasty for venous stenosis in CKD patients.
· Uterine artery embolization for bleeding PV. Cause –

Uterine arteriovenous malformation Secondary post partum haemorrhage Fibroids.
· Splenic artery embolization for hypersplenism
· TIPSS (Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting) for refactory ascites or variceal bleed.
· Diagnostic angiography and vascular embolization (organ specific) in polytrauma patients.
· Aortic and peripheral angioplasty / Stenting / Stent Grafting
· Renal and carotid angioplasty/Stenting

· Intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute arterial
thrombosis of various cause.
· Intravenous thrombolysis for acute /subacute
venous thrombosis.
· IVC filter placement in DVT.

2. Non vascular procedures:
· Pigtail catheterization – for L a r g e / p e r i p h e r a l l y p l a c e d / i m p e n d i n g rupture/ruptured liver abscess.
· Pigtail catheterization – for Intra/retroperitoneal collections including psoas abscess and post pancreatitis collections.
· Pigtail catheterization – for Pleural collection/effusion/empyema.
· Pigtail catheterization – for Lung abscess
· Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN) + DJ Stenting
· FNAC/Biopsy (Guided)
· Celiac plexus block for pain abdomen in Ca Pancreas,
Chronic Pancreatitis & Carcinoma Gall Bladder.

3. Onco-Intervention
· PTBD (Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage) + Percutaneous CBD stenting for obstructive jaundice.
· RFA (Radiofrequency ablation) for liver SOL.
· TACE (Trans-arterial chemoembolization) – Targated Chemotherapy for primary liver tumors or colorectal metastasis.
· Bland embolization for hypervascular liver tumors.
· Preoperative embolization (nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, renal cell carcinoma, large hypervascular tumors)
· Embolization for Ca lung, presenting with hemoptysis.
· Embolization for tumors of neck region, presenting with oral bleed.